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The Green Room

From plant care tips and videos to wellbeing articles, our blog is full of bitesize information that will help you take care of plants - and of yourself

The Top Plants to Buy this Autumn - The UK Essential List
It’s getting to that time of year and all of a sudden the days are getting shorter and darkness is creeping upon us. Trees turn that burnt yellow, ...
The Houseplants All Students Should Have
Whether you’re in halls, a shared house or staying at home this year, you should be doing it with plants! As a team, we’ve pulled together a list ...
5 Plants to Help You Master Self-Care
Plants need no justification to be fed, watered or tidied up. We help plants grow because they're living things; not because they are more or less deserving of care. Applying this conceit to ourselves is an essential step on the journey to mastering self-care. 
What Makes the Vanilla Orchid Special?
Around 80% of the world's of Vanilla is grown in Madagscar, as it has just the right climate pattern to meet the plant's specific demands. When the country was struck by extreme weather last year, it resulted in the demise of huge swathes of the precious crop.