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If you find the same plant at another online shop for a better price, we will match it.**Exempt are online garden centers and DIY markets and sales offers.

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Decorative pot sold separately.

Dwarf Weeping Fig Tree

Ficus Benjamina 'Natasha'

1 review
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Air Purifying
Medium Care
Plant Height

Beautiful ornamental little tree with purifying abilities!

Boasting a luscious head of glossy and abundant green foliage, this woody plant brings a sense of serenity and rootedness to any room.

A natural way to combat the negative effects of technology. Our Dwarf Weeping Fig Tree is not only a great air purifier, but its green foliage has been known to trigger happiness and improve moods.

This woody plant of vibrant little leaves brings serenity and a sense of rootedness to any room. 

  • Its green foliage can trigger happiness and improve moods
  • We are surrounded by technology in our day-to-day lives. Having this plant nearby can help soak electromagnetic frequencies!
  • Also named Benjamin Tree, Java Fig, Small-leaved Rubber Plant, Ficus Tree and Tropic Laurel It is most notably known as the Weeping Tree, as its branches appear to be hunched forward in mourning

Transform your home with the beauty and benefits of our Dwarf Weeping Fig Tree. Order yours today and experience the difference!

Dwarf Weeping Fig Tree Care Guide


Indirect light and a partially shaded spot is perfect!


Allow the top of the soil to dry between waterings. Use tepid filtered or distilled water. Be careful to not overwater it. Mist the leaves often in the warmer months to keep humidity


Grows well in average home temperatures between 16 to 24 ºC


Fertilise it once a month during the growing season with slow-releasing pallets


If your Ficus natasha begins to lose its leaves this may be a sign of underwatering., pop your plant in the bath or shower and give it a good soak, just make sure the water has drained before returning it to its decorative pot

Dwarf Weeping Fig Tree General Information


Native from South East Asia and Australia


Remove old and drying leaves. You can prune it if you want to keep it compact. Best to prune it in the summer


The Ficus Natasha can grow up to 80 cm tall in the right conditions

Price Match Guarantee:

If you find the same plant at another online shop for a better price, we will match it.**Exempt are online garden centers and DIY markets and sales offers.

Free Shipping

On orders over £85.

Decorative pot sold separately.

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