Embrace a refreshing plant care routine that you enjoy and upgrade the beauty of your home in easy ways! Groom your plant's leaves with our stainless steel Scissors, give them some nutritious fertilizing food, and water them with the delicate flow of our stylish watering can. Read More
Aquarius Watering Can
Activated Carbon Pellets 3L
Find the best accessories to decorate your home, like our plant macramé hangers, the fun zig-zag plant support, and our essential oil diffusers in ceramic that will help you create that dream green environment you have been looking for!
Place your order online, and we will deliver them safely to you.
Find the best accessories to decorate your home, like our plant macramé hangers, the fun zig-zag plant support, and our essential oil diffusers in ceramic that will help you create that dream green environment you have been looking for!
Place your order online, and we will deliver them safely to you.