Oh Lockdown… what a strange time it has been! With vaccine numbers rising, pubs and shops opening and restrictions easing, the end is finally in sight. But returning to whatever ‘normal’ has now become an overwhelming thought for many.
Don't get us wrong, we're relieved restrictions are easing, but the change does come with a sense of trepidation - how can life after lockdown possibly live up to expectations?! And are we having as much fun as everyone else? With every pic of a friend enjoying a glass of wine outdoors with friends, a growing feeling of FOMO begins to hit ...
'Fear Of Missing Out' might sounds flippant, but it can fuel social anxiety, foster lack of self-confidence, leading some to avoid social situations altogether. That’s why we've put together some tips to help you manage the transition back to your 'normal' social life.
Don't overwhelm your diary
Yes, organised fun can work too! Be kind and allow yourself to ease into a busy social life again. Making realistic plans to meet friends and family will help you take control of how much you can cope with at this stage. Change is mentally exhausting, so it’s vital not to overwhelm yourself. Don’t worry, you’ll be having impromptu drinks with your friends again before you know it!
Make sure you're still taking time for yourself
This might sound crazy, as we’ve spent so much time with ourselves recently but it's so important - especially in this transitional phase. There'll be lots of opportunities to see your friends and family: you don’t have to be mentally available for every single social gathering. Take one thing at a time as you ease yourself back into the post-lockdown world.
Top Tip: Of course, if it's all getting a bit much, we recommend you spend some time caring for your plants! The act of nurturing plants can release the same feel-good chemicals we get when we socialise with people, without the accompanying social pressures.
Try gently dusting your plants' foliage or give them a misting - your plants will thank you and you'll feel the benefits too!
Switch off your phone
“Jealousy is all the fun you think they had.” - Erica Jong
Did you know that psychologists believe FOMO is mainly down to the existence of social media? Information is so widely available to us now and we are able to follow everyone’s every move. In moments like this it can be a very divisive tool, so finding a way to switch off from it will really help you deal with this change in your own way and at a pace that works for you.
We live in a culture where there’s so much pressure to live up to expectations or performatively show that we are consistently happy, carefree and untouchable. But this incessant comparison, to what is never more than a short snippet of the truth, is an unrealistic image of what life is like and perpetually worrying about what everyone else is doing only causes us to miss out on our own lives.
During this period, it might be wise to take a conscious break from social media, so you can tune into what you want, and not what you think you should want.
We we'll be dealing with the 'new normal' in our own way and that's exactly as it should be. And if you're looking to give your garden a makeover before your friends come over - you might want to check out our new collection of Garden Plants.