Looking to add a lush, easy-to-care-for plant to your indoor jungle? Meet the Scindapsus family!
Beloved by plant enthusiasts worldwide, Scindapsus...
The Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides) has become one of the most beloved houseplants worldwide. Native to the Yunnan and Sichuan regions of...
Thinking about growing your own lemons? This is our complete guide to growing lemon trees in pots! You’ll have an option at the end to pot outside or keep inside.
There is no better exotic addition to your home than the palm plant. Fresh. Tropical. Exciting. These gorge green plants are an interior design mus...
The premise of Feng Shui (that we, and everything around us, is invested with energy) might sound out-there, but even the most cynical of us have inexplicable feelings about the places we inhabit. And as a philosophy that has been used for more millennia, surely Feng Shui has something to teach us.
We share our step-by-step guide on plant propagation to help you divide your potted plants successfully. Let us tell you everything there is to kno...
Test your knowledge with these indoor plants facts. Dispel some myths, put rumours to rest and let’s see if you are a green-thumbed veteran.
If you love your plants you will hate common house plant pests. We have a list of the most common plant pests here and how best to deal with them. It’s actually quite easy!
Have you got visions of a beautiful, greenhouse this summer? Plants growing down and up from all directions? Something between a showroom and a jun...
Orchids are beautiful flowering plants that belong to the Orchidaceae family, famous for their often bright, colourful and scented blooms. They gro...
Although flowering plants are always a classic gift, house plants are having a major moment. Choosing the perfect plant for any occasion can be ver...
Spider plants are lovely. They look great and do wonders for your home both for aesthetics and indoor air quality. As the number of plant parents s...