Can you think of a better way to enhance your home décor and keep your plants safe than with lovely decorative indoor plant pots? Because we cannot...
Many of us spend a huge chunk of our lives at the office behind a desk getting stressed out with mountains of work, dealing with annoying co-worker...
Are you looking for a tall houseplant that makes a statement? Large indoor plants can truly turn a house into a home, with bold greens and beautifu...
Looking to brighten up your living room? Plants have the wonderful ability to breathe life into whatever environment they are placed into. If you f...
You walk into someone's home. What’s the first thing you see? The hallway. That’s why getting your hallway game right is essential and it all start...
Hoyas come in all shapes and sizes, with no two looking the same. Also known as Wax Plants, they have gorgeous thick succulent leaves and boast stu...
New Year, new you! While you may have made some great New Year’s Resolutions for yourself, it might be time to think about some New Year resolution...
What Is Bohemian Style?
Bohemian style originated in 70s hippie culture but has since expanded beyond that to represent a free-spirited, artistic d...