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The Green Room

From plant care tips and videos to wellbeing articles, our blog is full of bitesize information that will help you take care of plants - and of yourself

Breathe Fresh: 10 Best Indoor Plants That Release Oxygen
Explore this list of plants that release oxygen at night from Bloombox Club; learn which plants are best for improving the quality of the air you breathe.
Common Causes of Brown Tips In Spider Plant And How To Fix Them
Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are beloved for their low-maintenance care and rapid growth. Their long, arching leaves and ability to produce...
Top Christmas Plants To Have This Winter Season
Plants that travel well in the winter are great options for festive decor during the holiday season. These plants are sturdy and adaptable, making ...
Orchid Care For Beginners: Things You Need To Know
Orchids are beautiful flowering plants that belong to the Orchidaceae family, famous for their often bright, colourful and scented blooms. They gro...
10 Scented Plants for Your House
There’s no better natural air freshener than scented plants. After all, so many fragrances are based on plants and flowers, why not cut out the mid...
Unlock The Mystery Of Lighting for Your Indoor Plants
Struggle to figure out exactly where to put your plant? Unsure how to check the light levels in your room? Delve a little deeper to find out whethe...
Common Container Gardening Mistakes You Need to Avoid
You finally decided to have plant babies and have a container gardener. You bought a lot of pots and plants. A few days have passed but your babies...
Succulent Varieties, Caring Guide and Tips
Succulents are taking over! They are everywhere, from indoor gardens all the way to wedding decor. Check out our peek into some of the different su...
Lipstick Plant - How To Grow And Care For Them
Lipstick plants (Aeschynanthus radicans) are beautiful trailing plants that are sure to brighten up any indoor space! They get their name from thei...
Low Maintenance Hanging Plants To Add Greenery To Your Space
They are stylish! They save space! And they add a whole lot of greenery to your home or office. Hanging plants are the newest trend in the world of...
Guide On How To Grow And Care For Polka Dot Plants
Polka dot plants (Begonia maculata) are one of the most striking and beautiful indoor houseplants, which also makes them look more demanding than t...
A Guide To Fern Plants - Varieties And Caring Tips
Ferns are one of the most ancient, diverse, and iconic species of plants. But alongside their great visual variety, comes a great variety of fern c...