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The Green Room

From plant care tips and videos to wellbeing articles, our blog is full of bitesize information that will help you take care of plants - and of yourself

7 Different Types Of Money Plants For Your Home
Quit your job and get a money plant! Who needs to work when you have got a plant that rakes in the cash?  Of course, we’re kidding. Don’t give up y...
Top 10 Rare Plants For Your House
Now and then, we all need to treat ourselves to something that’s extra special. Well, look no further. These rare plants come from all over the wor...
Large Indoor Plants For Your House That Make A Bold Statement
Are you looking for a tall houseplant that makes a statement? Large indoor plants can truly turn a house into a home, with bold greens and beautifu...
Different Types of Monstera Plants
Monstera types are highly popular in homes due to their large eye-catching foliage. They often have splits in their leaves, otherwise known as fene...
The Monstera Controversy - How To Tell If You've Got The Super Rare Obliqua
A rose is a rose is a rose - but can the same be said of Monsteras?