Now and then, we all need to treat ourselves to something that’s extra special. Well, look no further. These rare plants come from all over the world and each has its own unique identity.
Perhaps you're looking for a trailing plant? Something colourful to make a statement? Even a rare gem that can fit into that little gap in your bookshelf that you know would look better for with a rare plant that you can brag to your friends about. Well, look no further.
It was hard, but we have narrowed it down to our favourite top 10 rare plants. Check them out, and see which rarity suits your personality the best.
Top 10 Rare Plants
1. Pineapple Plant
Coming in at number one, we have the pineapple plant. This rare plant will make your house feel like a tropical paradise. Surprisingly, they are actually really easy to care for. All it needs is some bright light and a fairly warm room, and of course a little aqua now and then.
The reason we love the Pineapple Plant so much is that out of the rare plants, when it’s matured, the plant will die but it can be propagated. In other words, it has babies! All in all, it’s the perfect rare plant for any living room. Just don’t try and eat the pineapples. You’ve been warned.
2. Polka Dot Begonia and Monstera Minima

In this rare plant bundle, you get a Polka Dot Begonia and a Monstera Minima. The reason they are so high up on our list of rare plants is that they are so unique. The Polka Dot has spotted leaves (hence the name) while the Monstera is a fast-growing vining plant. Both of these in a room will make a statement!
They both come potted in Kokodamas, which is a handmade bowl made out of coconut fibres. And just a quick FYI. The Kokodama bowls are made in Sir Lanka in collaboration with local communities, and part of the proceeds go to help school children. Not that we needed another excuse to get them, they look amazing!
3. Philodendron Squamiferum
Indigenous to South American rainforests, this plant will still thrive in any room in your house. It’s easy to care for as long as it avoids direct sunlight because usually this would be blocked by the canopies in its natural habitat.
The word Philodendron comes from Greek, Philo meaning ‘Love’ and Dendron meaning ‘Tree.’ We can see why the name is fitting. The beautiful red hairs really make this rare plant look unique and captivating. If you’re looking for something that looks different to any other rare plant on the market, then this one is for you.
4. Dinner Plate Aralia ‘Balfour’
I mean, have you seen leaves like that before? Exactly. This rare plant is truly one of a kind. The bright green leaves, each with their own unique pattern really make this plant stand out. The ‘Balfour’ is a native to Australia and Papua New Guinea, and it loves humidity. In other words, it would thrive in your bathroom or kitchen.
It needs to be misted regularly and placed somewhere there is no direct sunlight. Apart from that, it’s a very forgiving rare plant, that will really help make a room.
5. Anthurium 'Jungle King'
With a name like ‘Jungle King’ you know you’ve found a winner. The thing that makes this rare plant really stand out is the protruding roots. They really do give this plant some unique character, and make you feel like you are truly part of nature.
Native to South America, this rare plant adapts well to any household. They need to be misted a lot and kept away from direct sunlight. But if you want to be king of the jungle, it’s no surprise you need to do a little housekeeping.
6. Guzmania ‘Candy’
Don’t be taken in by the name. Although its nickname is Candy, I’m afraid you can’t eat it. With that said, this rare plant has a flower that does look like delicious pink bubblegum. Sometimes, especially when choosing a rare plant, it’s good to add a bit of colour to your life. That’s what the Guzmania is perfect for. A true crowdpleaser and statement piece, that can bring a room together.
They belong to the same family as the Pineapple tree, believe it or not. And lastly, this rare plant is very low maintenance, so it makes a great gift for someone who isn't an abled green-thumbed veteran like yourself.
7. Variegated Candlebra Cactus
This rare plant is a classic. Who doesn’t love a cactus? Every time you look at it you can’t help but feel back in an old western. As you can imagine, it likes bright light and very little water, which makes it a very forgiving rare plant.
It is very prickly so if you have pets or young children it’s, best to put it somewhere they can’t reach it. The sap is also toxic, so make sure you wash your hands after you touch it.
8. Dischidia Oiantha
We had to put a hanging plant in our top 10. Had to! And this rare hanging plant is a beauty. If you need a trailing plant to liven up your house, this is it. It’s easy to care for, and if you have empty wall space this is a perfect addition.
Native to the rainforests of India and China, it loves indirect sunlight. And just so you know, the Dischidia Oiantha is such a rare plant, that it has not even got its own common name yet. We will leaf that up to you. Pun intended.
9. Moonshine Snake Plant
This rare plant can really add a sense of style to your room. Its unique leaves have a silvery-green tint to them, which makes this Snake Plant one of a kind.
Native to West Africa, the ‘Moonshine’ is really low maintenance. It’s perfect for an office or study because they don’t want loads of sunlight.
10. Chinese Evergreen ‘Key Lime’
This rare plant is perfect for bookshelves. It’s quite small, and it doesn't grow much which makes it ideal for fitting into nooks and crannies. The ‘Key Lime’ is also one of the most unique rare plants (we saved one of the best til last.) This is because its leaves have yellow veins that run down the centre, and the stems are milky white.
From the tropics to your living room (or whatever room you feel best) this rare houseplant will thrive in most places. All it needs is a little love, water, and no direct sunlight.
To Wrap Up
It’s always good to be surrounded by nature as much as possible. It’s good for the mind, body and soul. And what's better than having a rare plant that you know is truly unique. So there you go. Some of the world's most rare plants are in reach of your green-thumbed fingers.
Each one has its own unique characteristics, looks, and vibe. We hope you’ve enjoyed our top 10 list of rare plants, but of course, there are plenty more to choose from. Choose wisely, my friends!