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The Green Room

From plant care tips and videos to wellbeing articles, our blog is full of bitesize information that will help you take care of plants - and of yourself

Best Plants for Productivity, Concentration and Mood
Ocean noises to help you unwind, walks in the park for fresh air, a long hike to clear your head. There’s a reason humans flock to nature when they...
Scientists say plants boost immunity and recovery time
As coronavirus anxiety sweeps across the UK, we’re all wondering how to build our immune systems – not just for ourselves, but for those most vulnerable.
Could this hobby save a generation?

A wave of research has been published on the value of getting kids involved with gardening, with some schools and local authorities setting up allotments and gardening schemes in response. Esteemed childhood psychologists, such as Montessori and Steiner, have championed the value of young people interacting with plants, for at least 100 years.  

5 Restorative Plants for Focus and Tranquillity

Although all plants are restorative, some are more so than others, due to qualities such as colour, pattern distribution and texture. For example, studies have shown that fractal patterns have a marked influence on participants’ ability to focus on a task. Here are 5 of the best plants to aid tranquillity and calm. 

NHS Prescribe Plants to Treat Depression
Instead of - or in conjunction with - antidepressants Cornbrook Medical Practice is handing out plants and herbs to sufferers of depression, anxiety and loneliness. 
Boost: Continuous Interaction, Diversity and Density
Boost is our third and final category of plants. In a sentence, it’s about continuous interaction, and having a collection with ‘diversity and density.’ 
‘How to grow fresh air:’ NASA's Landmark Study
In 1989 NASA published the results of a major research study on the relationship between plants and air quality. For astronauts travelling beyond the stratosphere in sealed containers, finding a means of effective air-purification was a necessary as building an engine that would take them there. 
The pursuit of happiness is 'life-long and it is not goal centred'
Certainly, you cannot think your way out of severe mental illness, but re-centring your mind on the present can be a powerful way of de-escalating anxious feelings and negative thoughts. 
How Can Plants Improve Workplace Productivity?
The correlation between plants and productivity has a strong evidence base, but are we any closer to finding out why it exists?
Research Says Green Offices are More Productive
Researchers, designers and innovators are realising the benefits of 'greening' the work-space, with evidence from across the globe showing productivity levels to be boosted by plant-life. 
Natural Cold Remedies That Work

Our tried and tested natural remedies will help you get back on your feet during cold season.

Battling Burnout Culture: Self-Care and Productivity
In a technological, globalised world, our working hours have stretched and mutated. What effect is this having on our health and wellbeing; and does more work necessarily mean greater productivity?