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The Green Room

From plant care tips and videos to wellbeing articles, our blog is full of bitesize information that will help you take care of plants - and of yourself

How To Care For Your Neon Pothos
Like us humans, every plant is unique and we want to teach you all the top tips for neon pothos care so that your plant lasts for a long time and h...
A Guide To Fern Plants - Varieties And Caring Tips
Ferns are one of the most ancient, diverse, and iconic species of plants. But alongside their great visual variety, comes a great variety of fern c...
10 Best Plants to Brighten Up Your Hallway
You walk into someone's home. What’s the first thing you see? The hallway. That’s why getting your hallway game right is essential and it all start...
Everything To Consider Before Buying An Indoor Plant
So, we hear you’re looking to buy an indoor plant? Perhaps you’ve heard of the magical air-purifying and stress-reducing properties of indoor plant...
15+ Beautiful Flowering Plants For Growing Indoors
Indoor flowering plants aren’t always the easiest to convince to actually flower! Sometimes it can take years, and even after a few years they migh...
African Violet - Speciality, Care And Growing Guide
African Violent’s reputation for being divas is not unfounded! These small jewel-like plants need to be treated well in order to thrive. However, t...
The Ultimate Guide To The Perfect Kitchen Plants
We all spend time a lot of time in the kitchen. Why not make it that extra bit special? There are so many great indoor plants that thrive in the ki...
Breath: Plants For Air-Purification And Physical Health

Breathe plants work on your physical health. They're pro-air purifiers and humidifiers, which is good news for your skin, lungs and immune system. 


Which Plant Is Best For Each Zodiac Sign?
Do you ever make a plant purchase and after a few days, realise it’s just not the right one for you? Do you start with the best intentions, but in ...
Top kid friendly terrariums great for kids and parents
1. Rainforest Terrarium DIY Kit Rainforest Terrarium DIY Kit 2.Succulent Terrarium Kit Succulent Terrarium Kit 3. Jungle Terrarium Plant DIY Ki...
Valentine's Day Gifting in Lockdown
Whether you’re single, in a long-distance relationship or spending 24/7 with your partner, it’s been a tough year for romance! Understandably, most...
The Plant That Inspired Louboutin
After a long absence, Bloombox Club is proud to reintroduce the Begonia maculata, a rare foliage plant with two-toned leaves and distinctive white ...