Indoor flowering plants aren’t always the easiest to convince to actually flower! Sometimes it can take years, and even after a few years they might still be playing hard to get. But when they do, you’ll be super proud of them and yourself - so they’re a well worthy challenge.
Read through our list of some of our favourite flowering plants to give you some inspiration for your next plant project, or to simply spruce up your indoor living space!
1. Calathea 'Eternal Flame'

Calatheas are usually known for their beautiful foliage, but the Eternal Flame Calathea is one of the few flowering varieties. They get their name from the vibrant flame-esque orange flowers they produce.
These beautifully unique flowering plants are a little bit more demanding with their watering requirements. They should only be watered with mineral-free water such as filtered or distilled. Otherwise, you might find their eternal flame may turn brown and discoloured.
They like bright indirect light and their ideal temperature is between 20-24 degrees.
2. Bromeliad ‘Elegant Flames’
Just for good measure, we thought we’d include another flame-like flowering plant to get us all fired up!
Bromeliad Elegant Flames is one of the most striking indoor flowering plants that you’ll come across, thanks to the brilliant bright red and yellow flower that forms their stunning centrepiece.
Similarly to the Eternal Flame, these plants should be watered every 5-7 days with water that’s free from minerals. They also love lots of bright indirect sunlight.
3. Peace Lily
Peace Lilies are a popular flowering plant in offices and homes because they add a delicate beauty to a room and they are super easy to care for.
As tropical plants, they’re happiest in constant moisture and warmth but are perfectly content in low light conditions. We recommend keeping a plant mister nearby to give her the odd spritz every now to increase some humidity.
It’s worth being aware that Peace Lilies can be drama queens (relatable!). They can suddenly start to droop like they’re the saddest plant on Earth. If this happens, don’t panic. It's probably down to overwatering or underwatering, so you just need to adjust your routine accordingly and she’ll spring back up into life.
4. Anthurium
The spoon-shaped flower of the Anthurium is reminiscent of the Peace Lily but comes in dazzling crimson colour.
Anthuriums have one of the longest blooming periods of any indoor flowering plant. In optimum conditions, their flowers can last for months! They are also relatively easygoing plants that are happiest in bright indirect light and prefer regular watering/
5. Lemon Tree
Lemon trees are a wonderful way to add a pop of bright colour to your home, and they even produce beautifully versatile fruit. Yay!
Fruit on plants is always preceded by flowers, and when in bloom Lemon Trees have gorgeous little sweet-smelling white flowers.
Surprisingly, Lemon Trees are quite hardy plants and will grow in most conditions and containers. But if you want lots of lovely fruit, they prefer lots of bright sunlight. A sunny south-facing windowsill is the most ideal! Make sure to water them a couple of times per week when exposed to full sun.
6. Calamondin Orange Tree
If you feel like getting a little fruity, but are very doubtful about your plant raising skills, then the Calamondin Orange Tree is perfect for you. They’re one of the easiest citrus plants to care for!
We recommend keeping these plants somewhere they’ll get lots of sunlight. Make sure they’re kept away from drafty areas so they don’t get too cold, and water them 2-3 times per week. However, if you forget to water them on the odd occasion, don’t worry. They’re quite forgiving!
These little beauties have gorgeous glossy green leaves and produce pretty white, lightly scented flowers in their second year, followed by 2.5-5 cm orange fruits if you’re lucky!
7. Lime Tree
Well, we couldn’t include oranges and lemons but exclude the lovely limes now, could we?!
Lime Trees are quite content as long as their soil is kept moist. It’s best to water them once or twice a week, but make sure their pots have good drainage as overwatering will turn their leaves yellow.
They love lots of direct sunlight, so be sure to position them in a room that receives a lot of light. We would also recommend using an organic nitrogen-heavy fertiliser to keep them in tip-top condition.
8. Pygmy Pineapple ‘Amigo’
If you can’t go somewhere tropical, then bring some tropical beauty to your home with a Pygmy Pineapple plant.
Of all of the fruity flowering plants, these are the most unique looking because of the solitary pineapple that grows in the centre. They will first grow a singular bright pink flower which will grow into a tiny pineapple.
These plants love bright light and should be kept in a warm room where the temperature doesn’t drop below 15 degrees. Make sure to water them at least weekly during the growing season, from spring to autumn.
Sadly they will only ever grow one pineapple in their lifetime, but they will produce pups that you can grow brand new pineapple plants from. You can also eat their fruit but we probably wouldn’t recommend it as they’re rather bitter!
9. Bird Of Paradise
The beauty of the Bird Of Paradise plants speaks for themselves. They have magnificent flowers that closely resemble the bird they’re named after.
It will take a couple of years for this plant to bloom, but as the saying goes, good things take time, and we promise this one is worth the wait!
Surprisingly not too tricky to grow, these flowering plants grow rapidly when kept indoors. They can be popped outside for the summer months if you’re lucky enough to have a garden or balcony. They’re happy in areas with lots of light or shady areas but make sure to keep their soil moist by watering them once or twice a week.
10. African Violet
African Violets are rare indoor flowering plants that can bloom all year round in the right conditions. For more in-depth tips on growing these beautiful plants, check out our blog post here.
These pretty ladies love lounging in warm sunny spots (we can all relate!), somewhere they can soak up lots of filtered sunlight. You should water your African Violet every 5-7 days, it’s also important to avoid splashing their leaves with water, as this will cause ugly brown spots.
Despite the name, you can get these plants in different colours, such as pink, white, and blue, so why not start a collection of different ones!?
11. Dendrobium ‘Thailand Black’
Sometimes we all need a little support in life, as is the case with Thailand Black Orchids who grow on other trees for reinforcement.
The Thailand Black prefers to bloom in winter and spring, when she does she has beautiful dark purple flowers that are almost black at their centre and omit a delicate sweet aroma.
Orchids can be a bit finicky with their conditions. This particular variety is around a medium level of difficulty to look after.
Make sure to keep her out of direct sunlight, water once a week, and to encourage reblooming, provide her with a detectable change in temperature.
12. Phalaenopsis Orchid ‘Green Pixie’
Newbie plant parents rejoice! The Green Pixie Orchid is the perfect orchid for anyone just starting their plant collection.
They need weekly watering and are happiest with some indirect sunlight but should always be kept away from direct sunlight.
These beauties are sometimes referred to as the ‘Moth Orchid’, and they have cute little yellowy-green flowers. These funky looking plants tend to grow two stems that resemble bunny ears. They’re beautiful flowering plants that add a touch of graceful beauty to any room in your home!
13. Dendrobium Orchid ‘Apollon’
Fresh flowers all day every day? Yes, please!
Well, at least in winter and spring, this little beauty will give you just that. They look more like a bouquet of flowers than houseplants with their tall proud stems that bloom all over.
The gorgeous white flowers emit a subtly sweet smell and contrast gloriously against the deep glossy green leaves. They’re some of the most stunning indoor flowering plants on our list, and distinguish them in appearance from the other orchids.
As with all orchids they like to be watered weekly and to be kept somewhere where they can get some indirect sunlight.
14. Christmas Cactus
Despite the name, this one is for life and not just for Christmas!
Christmas Cacti are unique little plants that produce tubular flowers in the winter, They have jagged leaves, which gives them their other common name of ‘crab cactus’! Although they’re a cactus, they also have some unique requirements. Read through our guide to some common Christmas Cactus problems here, if you’re not sure what your plant is trying to tell you.
Another misleading fact about the Christmas Cacti is that, unlike desert-dwelling cacti, they don’t actually like dry conditions! Christmas Cacti prefer humid conditions like the bathroom, and they should be watered regularly.
Want to know the best way to get these flowering plants to flower? Keep them in a cool environment where they have 8 hours of light during the day and then are in darkness for 16 hours. If you do this for at least 8 days they should bloom beautifully!
15. Bonsai Blue
Why settle for flowering plants when you can have flowering trees?
Bonsai trees have always been a popular houseplant because there is something just so alluring about having a teeny tiny tree in your house!
The Bonsai Blue will bloom with pleasant purple flowers in May and June if kept in warm, light conditions. The soil should be moist but have good drainage throughout the flowering season.
In summary
Hopefully one of these beauties has tickled your fancy! Of course, there are tons more indoor flowering plants that you can buy to spruce up your home, but we couldn’t possibly list them all!
Flowering plants can be a bit tricky to coax into blossoming but usually, this is down to their environment. To stimulate your plants to bloom, try changing their light conditions, temperature, or watering frequency, and this should help move things along.