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The Green Room

From plant care tips and videos to wellbeing articles, our blog is full of bitesize information that will help you take care of plants - and of yourself

Why We Need Routine
It's fair to say that 2020 hasn't been a very routine year so far. Thanks to the global pandemic, our everyday schedules have been almost entirely...
What to Expect From a UK Staycation
Covid-19 has caused untold disruption, and summer plans are no exception. With fights, hotels and package holidays cancelled, and travel bans in f...
Doing Good Does You Good
Random Acts of Kindness day dares you to break out of your self-protective bubble and do something altruistic. This could be as small as letting someone off the train before you or paying for a stranger’s coffee. 
Forest Bathing Explained: Benefits, Research, How to Do It
At its core, forest bathing entails immersing yourself in nature and consciously engaging with elements of the natural landscape. It can be as simple as spending time with nature and absorbing the atmosphere of the forest, and as complex as an expertly-led series of activities by a forest bathing practitioner.  
Can Plants Help Break Bad Habits?
When we’re stressed or tired, we're likely to reach for things that will bring us immediate relief – whether that’s chocolate, alcohol, social media scrolling etc. While this response is normal, immediate fixes also tend to be short lived and addictive: they don’t placate bad feelings but create desire for more of whatever it was that brought us relief.  
5 Restorative Plants for Focus and Tranquillity

Although all plants are restorative, some are more so than others, due to qualities such as colour, pattern distribution and texture. For example, studies have shown that fractal patterns have a marked influence on participants’ ability to focus on a task. Here are 5 of the best plants to aid tranquillity and calm. 

5 Plants to Help You Master Self-Care
Plants need no justification to be fed, watered or tidied up. We help plants grow because they're living things; not because they are more or less deserving of care. Applying this conceit to ourselves is an essential step on the journey to mastering self-care. 
A Natural Health Service? Wildlife Conservation as Mental Health Treatment
Mental health programmes with nature at their core are both effective and ‘excellent value for money,’ says independent research carried out by Leeds Beckett and Essex University, in collaboration with the Wildlife Trust.
Is too much choice making us depressed?
The prerogative to choose is essential to living a good life, without it we wouldn’t have our own identities or basic human rights, but is there such a thing as 'too much'? 
NHS Prescribe Plants to Treat Depression
Instead of - or in conjunction with - antidepressants Cornbrook Medical Practice is handing out plants and herbs to sufferers of depression, anxiety and loneliness. 
Boost: Continuous Interaction, Diversity and Density
Boost is our third and final category of plants. In a sentence, it’s about continuous interaction, and having a collection with ‘diversity and density.’ 
The Science Behind Surprises: why the unexpected makes us happy

'Surprise' is the new buzz word in psychology, innovation and management. LeeAnn Renninger and Tania Luna, co-directors of Life Labs Learning, and authors of Surprise: Embrace the Unpredictable have spent the last few years probing the topic, concluding that surprise aids learning, memory, and community.