Nothing cheers an indoor space up like a few house plants!
That’s why house plants make such a great addition to your office because they will make those gloomy Monday mornings feel a little bit brighter. But we do understand that it can be hard to look after plants in a busy office environment. Offices aren’t always full of big windowsills just awaiting some adorning shrubbery! It’s also easy to forget to water them in amongst the day-to-day chaos.

But don’t you worry, we’ve got your office space covered! We’ve put together a list of lovely low-light office plants, so even the darkest corners of your office can benefit from one of these beauties.
1. The Snake Plant (Sansevieria zeylanica)
Snake plants (sansevieria) must always come near the top of any list of low-maintenance plants because it’s one of the hardiest plants around. They have long horizontally striped leaves and are known to be great airborne toxin-absorbers, leaving you with the freshest office atmosphere around.
These low-light office plants can survive almost anywhere, and they will forgive you if you accidentally neglect them! All you need to do is water them every two weeks in the summer months and just once a month during the winter. If anything, it’s better to underwater them rather than to overwater them because they are susceptible to horrible root rot!
2. Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica)
Where better to bring the good fortune of the money tree to, than the office!? Although we can’t actually promise that it will make your business boom, the money tree is one of the best low-light office plants!
These trees can grow and grow if you let them. If you want a low-light office plant you can stand on the floor, this is an excellent plant for you. Increase your money trees’ pot size every year and it’ll grace you with abundant growth. Money trees are super low-maintenance office plants because they are extremely hardy. Try to water them bi-weekly and ideally keep them in an area that has some light, but always keep them out of direct sunlight. Make sure not to overwater them and not to let them sit in excess water.
3. Curly Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum 'Bonnie')
Anywhere there are plants, you’ll often find a spider plant because they are notoriously easy to look after. But just to spice things up a bit, we’ve gone for a spider plant with a bit of a twist (literally), with its cute curly leaves.
Bonnie is a lovely lass with bright green leaves, and she sometimes grows little yellow flowers. However, this is quite hard for her to achieve indoors and will only happen when your plant is a few years old.
Spider plants are the ultimate low-maintenance office plants because they are nearly impossible to kill! They thrive in almost any environment and prefer indirect bright light. They love a little misting here and there and flourish in humid locations (so keep a mister nearby!). They like weekly watering in the warmer months and fortnightly during winter, however, they will keep soldiering on even if you forget about them every once in a while!
4. Philodendron Imperial Red (Philodendron Erubescens ‘Imperial Red’)
Add a pop of colour to your office with the philodendron imperial red!
If you’re looking for a low-light office plant that no one else has, then this is a pretty safe bet! Philodendron imperial red is a relatively new breed that has been designed to be particularly tough, making them the dream low-maintenance office plant.
Their dark green and burgundy leaves are perfect for adding some excitement to a room, and they can tolerate low light conditions. They’re great if your office doesn’t get a lot of light and perfect as a little desk companion. Let their soil dry out between waterings to keep root rot at bay.
5. Mistletoe Cactus (Rhipsalis Cashero Ampel)
Bring the office romance in the form of this sweet little succulent!
The mistletoe cactus is a delightful trailing plant that can be kept in an ordinary pot or in a hanging plant. Succulents are among the easiest plants to care for, which is why they make fantastic low-light office plants.
If they can be kept on an east-facing side of the office, they’d love the soak up a bit of the morning sun and avoid the bright afternoon rays, but they really aren’t very fussy! Like all succulents, they like to be watered every 7-10 days in the summer but should only be watered once per month in the winter. If your office gets pretty toasty in the winter, you may need to increase the watering frequency.
6. Watermelon Peperomia (Peperomia Argyreia)
The watermelon peperomia looks rather deceptively like she’s very demanding, but they make wonderful low-maintenance office plants. They get their name from their spectacular large, variegated leaves that resemble the outside of a watermelon, and will brighten up even the darkest corner of your workplace.
These beauties prefer it if you allow the top two inches of soil to dry out completely before you water them again. But don’t worry they will politely let you know if you’re getting it wrong! The leaves will start to yellow slightly if you are overwatering them, and they will turn brown if they are too thirsty.
7. Green Sweetheart Plant (Philodendron Scandens)
These little plants get their name from their heart-shaped leaves. Pop them up on a shelf or hang them from the ceiling and their charming glossy green leaves will trail down, bringing the space to a whole new dimension.
For all of the beauty they provide, sweetheart plants don’t require much from you. Try to keep their soil slightly moist by checking on them weekly, but they are far more tolerant of underwatering than they are overwatering… so try not to kill them with kindness.
Sweetheart plants make excellent low-light office plants because although they do prefer medium levels of light, they are pretty shade tolerant so will be quite content in even slightly gloomy-looking parts of an office.
8. Hydroponic Clusia Princess (Clusia Rosea Princess)
Ok, so the name princess might be a bit of a giveaway. This little plant is a tad more demanding than the other low-maintenance office plants on the list. But we had to include her because she is well worth the extra effort.
The requirement that makes her high maintenance is the very thing that makes her so unique. The water that Hydroponic Clusia Princess sits in needs to be either rainwater or bottled spring water because tap water doesn’t contain enough nutrients. Make sure that the water is always covering 90% of the roots to avoid root rot and too high water levels, and your princess will stay in tip-top condition.
These eye-catching shrubs do prefer a bright room, but they don’t need to be kept near a window because they will burn in direct sunlight. This means they can be kept in offices with lower light conditions, but perhaps choose one of the other low light office plants on the list for the shadiest corner!
And there you have it!
Hopefully, you’re inspired to jazz up low-light office space with some plants because they really can transform a room! Whether you’re going for an aesthetic modern office look, in which the architectural straight snake plant leaves would be rather fitting, or more of a jungle vibe (then we recommend the money tree); there’s certainly something that will be perfect for your office!