Creating a home that makes you happy can, and should, be a fun exercise! Especially once you get plants involved, and you can really create a space to thrive in. Houseplants are more than just beautiful décor. They can also be beneficial for your mental and physical health. We’ll give you a short intro here but check out our Blog if you’re keen to learn more.
Caring for a dog is very rewarding. Sure, it’s not always an easy feat, but it’s a lot of fun! Looking after a dog helps foster and satisfy your innate drive to nurture other living things. And we believe that plants can help foster that energy too! As you’re engaging in these acts of kindness, you get reminded of how great it feels, and you’ll branch out being kinder to yourself and others too!
In terms of our wellbeing philosophy, Calatheas are truly impressive. Besides being great air purifiers, the patterns on their leaves are also said to help improve focus and inspire creativity. These bewitching patterns can help restore our attention and ease minds frazzled by screens and monitors. One with said pattern is the Calathea Orbifolia, a tall floor plant, which works perfectly in any warm room with indirect light.
As plants absorb CO2, they can also filter out invisible airborne toxins. A particularly talented air purifier is the Areca Palm, also called Butterfly Palm. By caring for this low-maintenance plant, you can (indirectly) improve the quality of air in your home.