The benefits of office plants are countless. They can enhance any space and improve everybody’s body and mind with minimal effort.
Office plants can be your therapists, your air purifiers, the most beautiful partition on walls… and your best human resources officers. That seems like a lot of work for office plants, right? Well, they make it look easy. Discover all their potential benefits hereunder!
1. The aesthetic
Let’s start simple. This is the most famous reason for the benefits of office plants.
Usually, when we think about getting some office plants for our workspace, we want them to be cute and colourful like a Wandering Dude 'Violet', or sophisticated and good-looking like a Philodendron 'Imperial Green' & Sandstorm Pot.
The thing is, we want our office plants to be as beautiful and elegant as possible because we know that they will be a very important part of our workspace aesthetic.
Even some workspace decoration plans are created around office plants, so do not doubt that your new green friends can become the most eye-catching of your ornaments.
2. Air purifiers
Maybe you already knew about this one, too. This is one of the top benefits of office plants that have a direct effect on your health.
In accordance with a very well-known NASA study called “Interior Landscape Plants for Indoor Air Pollution Abatement”, some popular office plants have the capability of purifying the air around us by removing airborne toxins.
If you are looking for one of these natural air purifying office plants, you can choose any variety of snake plants, just like this subtle Snake Plant 'Fernwood Mikado' or this distinguished Cylindrical Snake Plant.
The charming golden pothos is one of the office plants approved by NASA for this duty, so maybe you would like to take a look at this lovely Golden Pothos with Moss Pole & Seacliff Basket? She’s ready to give you these two benefits of office plants: purify the air and decorate your workspace.
3. Noise level
Finally! Probably this is one of the benefits of office plants that you did not know about before.
No matter what area you work in or what your functions are at your job, you will more than likely need to have a quiet workspace. And your favourite office plants can help you with that!
One of the benefits of office plants is that they have the ability to change the acoustics of the rooms by absorbing sounds and reducing the reverberation time. All you need to do is to locate large potted office plants in strategic places such as the edges or the corners of your workspace.
If the room is made of hard materials such as concrete or marble walls, or if it has hardwood floors, you will notice an even bigger difference in the decibels with your office plants around. Try this exotic and majestic Hardy Elephant Ear and check it out!
4. Reduce energy bills

Yes, this is one of the benefits of office plants too. They can help you reduce your electricity bill and save the planet, how cool is that?
It might sound obvious but office plants are eco-friendly. Mostly because of their ability to increase the humidity levels in your workspace and reduce indoor temperatures, by 1 °C. It might not sound like a big change, but you will be glad to have your office plants working as air conditioners on very hot days!
This cooling effect is linked to one of the benefits of office plants mentioned above: air purification. Remember that office plants are able to remove some toxins from the air? When they photosynthesise, they remove the carbon dioxide molecules responsible for warming up the ambient air. Pretty rad, right?!
If you are planning to use less energy in cooling your workspace, save money on your bills and help the Earth to stop climate warming, big office plants are your best allies. How about this imposing and gorgeous Snake Plant Laurentii?
5. Getting more clients

Would you believe this one? Office plants can be your best marketing and/or sales agents.
Plants are thought to influence our minds in different ways, and many of the benefits of office plants are based on this belief. Just as you can find office plants attractive because of the aesthetic they give to your workspace, they can be an added value for your clients too.
Your potential clients might not even notice the office plants when they enter your workspace, but they could feel more positive, comfortable and open to ideas if they have some plants around them. They may not know it, but they may be feeling the benefits of office plants too.
Try out incorporating a flamboyant Ficus Ginseng Bonsai at the entrance of your office or an adorable Hydroponic Clusia Princess on your desk where you meet with clients and see how the benefits of office plants work for you.
6. Space division
Hmm, this should be one of the most straightforward benefits of office plants too. Why do we never think about it?
Sometimes you need to divide your workspace into sections for a better distribution or because you want more privacy. Partitions walls could be your first option in these cases, but do you really want something that looks and feels that heavy?
Instead of installing more oppressive walls, use large potted plants between your work zones and see the practical benefits of office plants! Office plants can give you the same feeling of privacy and order but in a more enjoyable and cheerful manner.
For this purpose, the magnificent and harmonious Aralia Fabian and Cast Iron Plant are the best office plants you can choose. Make sure to measure the divisions you need first, you might need a few of these office plants to make your life easier!
7. Increases productivity & mental health

Last but not least, this is the most acclaimed of the benefits of office plants. Do you want to know all that an office plant can do for your mind?
If there is something that we look for in our workspace, it is to increase our own productivity and our team’s if we have one. After all, the principal goal of being in an office is to give it our best and see the results of our efforts.
Office plants are considered to increase productivity by performing a couple of actions on your body and mind. They are thought to help you reduce stress levels with their relaxing green colour and graceful shapes. Just think about this Money Tree, don’t you feel better after looking at it?
Not only can plants have the ability to reduce stress levels, but there’s increasingly more evidence that they can also improve concentration and creativity. And that’s exactly what’s needed in the workspace! There are also other more personal benefits of having office plants, such as having the ability to increase your nurturing instincts, improve your mental health and boost your mood. Aren’t plants just the best?!
Feeling inspired?
What do you think about all these benefits of office plants? Office plants can have these and many other benefits for you, your work, your team and your workspace. Just give them a chance and see how your life changes in a better and greener way!